
Top cloud illustration

De Alwis

Bottom cloud illustration
Forest background for hero section

About Me

Let's get to the tech stuff later...

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Appa from "Avatar the Last Airbender" to represent my love for TV
Shoes to represent my love for running
A laptop to represent my love for technology
A guitar to represent my love for music
Inverted forest background

Currently Learning


Emacs logo for currently learning

Emacs is a new tool I've been exploring. It's been a slow process, but I'm using a DOOM Emacs config and it's been helping me learn Vim at the same time. I'm excited to continue learning and become a faster and more efficient dev 😎


Docker logo for currently learning

Docker is a very cool tool and I'm glad I finally started to learn the technology. Fun fact! The first time I've ever used Docker was for this personal portfolio to deploy it on a AWS Lightsail instance.


Svelte logo for currently learning

Svelte is awesome! I love learning it so far, and this personal portfolio was my first time using it, I will definitely be using it for my next couple of projects and exploring the framework deeper.

My Projects 🚀

cuHacking landing page 2025

Head of Development - cuHacking

cuHacking is Carleton's official hackathon and it's our first time back in over 5 years! I'm excited and proud to say that I am the head of development for this project. Our project is booming, we've got a Storybook, Figma, monorepo, end-to-end test rails, and docker and NPM registries, stay tuned for all the amazing things we're going to do this year.

CCS landing page

Project Manager - CCS Website

I was the project manager for the CCS website. This was my first experience leading a team and as a mentor for new developers. This is a fully static website and I worked closely with Carleton CUSEC Society to see their vision to life.


CommuniPlant is one of my most crowning achievements. It got my team 2nd overall at UOttaHack. With this project I delved into Django, AWS, and computer vision. It was an awesome learning experience, and one of my most cherished experiences as a developer.

ProjectTechCareers landing page


I was a web developer for ProjectTechCareers, this was my first time working in a team of developers, and I'm proud of the impact I had on the team. One of my best achievements is creating the blogs page for them. It uses Django's headless architecture to create custom blogs that allow the writer to have 100% customizability of their blog layout.


MusicMania is a social media for Spotify users! It helps connect individuals with other Spotify users who have similar listening interest to them. This was a fully original project and one I made all on my own. Yes, there are many flaws (don't look at the database schema 😭), but because I went through so much pain developing this, I learned how to read documentation and researched best practices. MusicMania is the reason why I am the developer that I am today!

Chatathon messaging demo


Chatathon was my first attempt at full-stack development, a real-time messaging app! This project was heavily inspired by a YouTube tutorial, but nevertheless, I learned a ton from it and got hands-on experience working with my own API and creating a database, it laid the foundation for my love for full-stack development. Sidenote, if you try the demo, be wary of the Render cold starts 💀